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Amazing sculptures. Many are reproductions of famous paintings or photographs. Interaction with the sculptures is encouraged.
128 NJ - July 2014 127101 NJ - July 2014 102092 006 DC April 14 - 16 2006093 NJ - July 2014 097118 musee-dorsay-manet-dejeuner-sur-herbe121 NJ - July 2014 120135 marilynmonroerarephotos7yritchblowingdressse0810bv2138 NJ - July 2014 136143 article-2313418-1970FC5E000005DC-932_634x889144 NJ - July 2014 144147 90153 NJ - July 2014 159156 rainy162 NJ - July 2014 161177 Henri-Rousseau1024768178 NJ - July 2014 176